is a story that revolves around two strong Christian families – The
Abayomis and the Adeleyes. Both of good standing in the Christian faith, having
the head of the former family as the head of a church –RISING STAR CHURCH; and
the latter, the head of a HOME FELLOWSHIP; but their genuine obedience to the
will of God differentiated their true identity in the Kingdom of God.
have also come to understand in this story that a church or a home fellowship
is just a building or a venue that affords believers the opportunity to gather
in one place to worship and hear from God, but the pure intent and content of
our heart is what God seeks to move within us and expressly manifest his
sovereignty in our daily lives.
is a story that rightly divides the true state of our stand and walk with God.
It poses to us a question that should be answered personally – Do I genuinely
have a relationship with God that can allows me to listen to his will and act
without questioning Him; or is my relationship with God based on the teachings
I hear from the church, the confessions I pronounce but without the power of the
One behind the confessing, is it based on the stereotyped services and Christian
gatherings I attend and so on?
The teachings we hear in church today is
another aspect of our Christian walk with God that should be checked, are we
hearing the intent of God’s heart to the church or Mammon-possessed and
polished teachings that are taught to massage the personalities of the
congregation just for the preachers’ self-benefits.
we take a critical look into the Bible, we will be able to differentiate
between the true state and teachings of the Corinthian and Laodicean church,
and that of the 21st Century or modern day church.
It will be to the advantage of our Christian
growth if we take our time and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us deeply what he
intends for us after attending services in church. A strong and genuine
personal relationship with God along with a sincere act of service to Him is
all we as believers ought to live for everyday of our lives bearing in mind
that God will forever take care of all that we can ever need or deserve to live
a good and comfortable life – Matt 6:33.
God as a showcase to make money, attain fame and power is just like digging a
pit gradually and walking into it alongside.
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