Christian Stories

Thursday, 26 January 2017


Chapter 42

They cuddled together on the bed and she slipped her tongue into his mouth…if felt longer than before, reaching to the back of his throat…it seemed to have two ends…as though it were forked…it tasted nice…it was coated with something sweet…he sucked greedily on her tongue when he found out that the more he sucked, the more the sweetness oozed out of her tongue.

It relaxed him…the sweetness lulled him to sleep as he gradually entered another Reality somewhere else…somewhere that he recognized…it was the vast temple…in front of the huge statue before whom he had once stood…but now the multitudes weren’t there…just him alone…nor did the statue come to life again.

Instead the light in the temple began to recede as though it fled away, leaving a Presence in the room…it felt like the darkness that had just invaded the room was a living Personality…Kehinde could feel it all around him…suddenly the eyes of all the idols opened, releasing blood red light that flooded the entire temple…there was a long trail of darkness that completely surrounded the temple…writhing like a living thing…Kehinde looked more closely…it was a serpent of shadow! It had been the Presence that had come inside the temple, chasing out the natural light.

The face of the serpent of shadow gradually loomed nearer to him…it was huge…as though the face of a snake had been projected on a gigantic cinema screen…except that this face was real…Kehinde began to feel fear like a living entity…it started from his toes and began to writhe upwards to his heart…it was a cold fire within him that paralyzed everywhere it touched…

You will lose him forever if you do not wake up and pray now!

Mr Adeleye stirred and sat up suddenly…Kehinde was in big trouble…he had seen him in a temple about to be swallowed by a huge serpent! As believers were in Christ, so Kehinde had to be in the serpent to belong to him forever…he had been woken up from the dream to prevent it! 

He hadn’t prayed for more than ten minutes in the spirit when he felt himself being tugged away…his reality was dissolving…everything was becoming transparent…like it had happened at the hospital….he found himself being taken away once again, and this time he knew where he was going….

Pastor  Taiwo had finally left the hospital after Lolade’s condition had stablilized…Dr Adekoya had assured him he would stay with her and call him if there was any need…Lolade had smiled weakly at him as he left. The doctors were still amazed that she could possibly be alive after so much loss of blood…what was even more amazing was that there had been no need for a blood transfusion…her blood had somehow begun to replenish itself…all three doctors including Dr Adekoya stood by and discussed her silently, casting glances at her every now and then…

Lolade slept again…she was very weak…

Your flesh is weak but your spirit is strong…they need you in this battle, or all will be lost…

She was certain it was the Holy Spirit! She hadn’t heard him speak before, but there was no shadow of doubt in her mind that it was the Spirit of Christ!

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

It was the scripture that now reverberated throughout her entire being repeatedly…it was his voice she was hearing and he was leading her somewhere…

She walked into a huge temple, aware that her spirit emanated light that was not welcome…she did not feel the weakness of her body any longer…she throbbed with life and she could see it pulsing throughout her body in waves…there was another being of Light on the far side…it was Mr Adeleye!

He beckoned to her as he stood before the gaping maws of the serpent of shadow…in his hand was a huge flaming sword and on his head was a helmet…he had on sandals the like of which she had never seen…and held in his right hand a shield that covered the entire length of his body…he hid behind that shield now as fiery darts came out like torrents from the mouth of the serpent.

The idols suddenly came to life and snarled horribly…Lolade began to run towards Mr Adeleye but suddenly found herself beside him just as Taiwo suddenly appeared beside her…and then Mrs Adeleye…


Kehinde lay prone on the ground, not moving at all…a pale green sheen had started to creep all over his spirit as he began to lose his Natural Life…

The idols were shaped like hybrids of animals…mismatched and grotesque…they began moving purposefully towards the Circle of Protection around Kehinde.
Mr Adeleye suddenly saw an opening and thrust forth his sword into the right eye of the serpent of shadow…it screamed horribly and recoiled…thrashing its tail wildly as it backed away…

Then Kehinde sat up and smiled…but it wasn’t his voice that laughed aloud.

HE IS MINE ALREADY! The voice cackled maniacally. Then suddenly another head popped out of his left shoulder…it was the face of a young beautiful lady…it was joined by another head that popped out of his right shoulder…the face of an old hag…Kehinde looked horrible…like a three headed monster…he sat there on the ground cackling…except his own face…for he was in pains…he cried aloud for help amidst the two cackling voices on either side of him.

Mr Adeleye hid behind his shield to avoid a renewed terrible torrent of fiery darts that came as a flood, as the serpent of shadow vented his pain and anger…

The members of the Circle of Protection suddenly began praying in tongues at the same time and found themselves each in possession of the Sword of the Spirit, the helmet of righteousness, the shield of faith and the sandals of the gospel of peace…for they knew now what they were…

As they prayed, a larger shield began to form over them just as the idols reached them…the shield was transparent pure light…

THAT WON’T STOP US! Cackled Maureen and her mother at the same time…

The idols separated themselves to reveal the dais behind them upon which Mrs Abayomi appeared to be trussed up in chains and moaning in pain.


They had stopped praying in the spirit, horrified and terrified by the horrible things they were seeing and already, black spots of fear had begun to taint the pure white light that enveloped their spirits…

The words of the Spirit strengthened them again and they began to pray with renewed intensity…suddenly the Swords took on a life of their own and pulled them forward to battle the idols as the huge shield above them was lifted…

The animal idols raked at their eyes with their claws and spat fire at them with lightning speed when all of a sudden…a cold wind blew in and extinguished the lights…except for the pure white lights that enveloped Mr Adeleye and the others…

Someone else had entered the fray…someone far mightier than the serpent of shadow…than the hybrid idols…than Mammon!

Chapter 43
He couldn’t resist the temptation to involve himself…yet they are ill prepared to meet him in battle…even together they do not match his strength…nor will My Spirit contend with him…not now…therefore you must go…alone…for it was never meant to be your battle, the battle belongs to the sons of God…you must not involve yourself beyond the protection of the mortals…they must learn to fight on their own…to defeat the Enemy with the weapons they have been given.

Michael clenched his huge fists in cold fury…anything that affected the people of God affected him…he was frustrated at the limitations imposed on him by the Majesty…he could not fight on their behalf, only defend them and protect them from harm…yet even in this, he would do so with a vengeance!

Michael bowed himself to the ground in worship before the Majesty and strode out of the Holy Place…the Elite of Heaven formed a guard of honour for him as he left the Heavenlies and soared into the atmosphere, unfurling his huge wings…the War Lord of Heaven was on his way!

The Elite cheered him on as he swooped downwards, turning back briefly to salute them…then he flashed out of their sight.


Michael acknowledged his Master’s Voice with a bow and entered the Earth Realm.

Lucifer had entered the fray, therefore Michael would oppose him and his plans…he cast his mind back to the last time they had battled…it had been a terrible battle that he had nearly lost…it had been the little girl, the one whom Majesty had named ENEMY OF DARKNESS that had saved the day…he admired the sons of God for their courage…angels had no need of courage, it was already part of their nature…they didn’t comprehend fear…they were fearless by nature…they were not weakened by sentiments…they had no human feelings…they were only moved by the Word of the Majesty…His word was Law!

That was why he admired the mortals…they were hampered with so many things…weakened with many weaknesses and still some of them were able to rise up above them all and show faithfulness…courage even in the face of death…no wonder the Majesty often boasted of them and always proudly referred to them as the SONS OF GOD!

They were above the angels, but Michael didn’t begrudge them that…he knew why now…they had to live against their own nature in order to become Sons…angels merely lived according to their nature…except for the Fallen Ones who out of a Rebellious nature and not out of temptation decided wilfully to fall…unlike them, the mortals were beset with so many weaknesses and temptations that he often wondered if any of them would even win in the end…but he had seen many rise above it all…men like Paul…Peter…James…all were acknowledged as Sons of God…true warriors of heaven…their place in the Kingdom was forever secure along with many others who had lived the Life that is contrary to human nature.

He had arrived and there was darkness but it could not overcome the light of the courageous believers…Michael hid his light for a while and observed the serpent of shadow still in pain…thrashing wildly in the background…he watched as Lucifer began to manifest himself, hoping to terrify the believers and instil fear in them so that fear would produce doubt and doubt would dissolve their weapons in an instant, rendering them defenceless and utterly vulnerable…he had arrived at the right time as always…

Lucifer began to pull himself up to a terrifying height with an earth shattering roar…as he grew larger; the temple ceiling seemed to move up higher to accommodate his height.
He was a dragon that spanned the huge temple and now made the serpent of shadow look like a worm…

Lolade cowered at the terrifying sight and almost immediately her Sword winked out of existence.

Do not be afraid, fear breeds doubt and doubt quenches faith! shouted Mr Adeleye, seeing what was happening.

Taiwo held his Sword aloft, brandishing it boldly and causing it to blaze its fiery light around them…

No weapon fashioned against us shall prosper! Shouted Taiwo.

Every tongue that rises up against us in judgment we condemn! Finished Mr Adeleye as he sprang towards Lucifer…

The serpent of shadow slithered slowly towards the chained Mrs Abayomi…her spirit looked shrunken and shriveled from grief…the serpent intended to devour her, that was clear as he encircled her.

Michael looked at the other Believers, but all were fully occupied…his mission was to defend them not to involve himself…but Mrs Abayomi was one of them…He waited till the last minute before blazing into pure light to the surprise and chagrin of the Powers of Darkness…he had identified everyone of them as Principalities whom he and his Elite had done battle with in the past.

He moved swiftly, still keeping an eye on Lucifer and with one horrendous blow chopped off the head of the serpent of shadow! He watched it thrash around in its death throes for a moment...

In that same instant, Lucifer stretched forth his hand and laid hold of the weakest member of the team – Lolade, raising her up to his head like a trophy…Michael saw him and with a well-aimed blow, snapped the chains around Mrs Abayomi.

Lucifer intended that they battle together…it was the reason why he now held Lolade like a trophy, daring Michael to take her…Michael’s hands were tied…he couldn’t very well save her without engaging Lucifer in battle…


He had the go ahead from his Commander in Chief; the Holy Spirit…in the blinding light of his Person, the hybrid idols had retreated…now he flashed out his sword, pointing to the heavens and uttering his terrible battle cry…

FOR THE MAJESTY! Roared Lucifer as blasts of pure light burst from the tip of his sword wherever he pointed it…thus he blasted several of the hybrid idols into non-existence in the Earth Realm.

Kehinde cried out in pain as Maureen and her mother savagely contorted and distorted his spirit form…they intended to exact retribution for the demise of the hybrid idols…the sisters of Mammon their life essence!

Mr Adeleye now free to attend to other things since the intervention of Michael; now turned his attention towards Kehinde…he didn’t know how to battle beings that were inside Kehinde’s spirit without doing damage to Kehinde…he hovered uncertainly nearby and watched helplessly as they slowly began to tear him apart…


BECAUSE I HAVE NOT LOVED MY LIFE UNTO THE DEATH, I STAND ON RESURRECTION GROUND…BEGONE YOU FOUL SPIRITS OF DARKNESS!!! Uttered Mr Adeleye quite to his own amazement…the words had come to him unbidden…

Suddenly he blazed into light; such that the light of his spirit form was eclipsed by the light that now enveloped him with a radius of many yards…it was the DUNAMIS of the Holy Spirit…the GLORY of the Lord had arisen upon him!

Like corks in a bottle that had suddenly been unstopped, Maureen and her mother popped out of Kehinde, revealing their true forms…no longer beautiful…they were dragons like their master and immediately they spouted flames of their wrath…but Mr Adeleye was there to cover for Kehinde with the huge shield of Faith that expanded to cover them both. Kehinde was free!

Taiwo watched anxiously as Michael – Heaven’s Champion circled Lucifer, still holding up Lolade his trophy…the remaining hybrid idols regrouped themselves and came towards Michael, but Mr Adeleye and Taiwo and Mrs Adeleye moved to intercept them…they were greatly encouraged by the presence of Michael the Arch-Angel…it showed up in the light of their spirits that shined ever brighter than before…

They flashed out their Swords and advanced together towards them…they had seen pure light burst forth from the tip of Michael’s sword and they now expected nothing less from theirs…and their expectation was not cut short as mighty torrents of light ejected themselves forcefully from the tips of their Swords…erasing the presence of the remaining hybrid idols forever…

Lucifer saw what was happening and snarled his rage…he looked at Lolade and was about to tear off her head when Michael struck with blinding speed…

TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED! He shouted at Lucifer as he plunged his sword deep into his chest…Lucifer froze for several seconds…then Lolade dropped from his fingers and gently floated to the ground…on her feet…

Michael kept his sword within Lucifer’s chest till he began to disintegrate…vile smelling odours emanated out of the puddles of darkness that began to form where once Lucifer stood…it was over…

Chapter 44
For several seconds Pastor Kehinde stood there and said nothing…Pastor Taiwo stood beside him holding his hand encouragingly…

“You have the right to leave because I have fed you lies, not the Truth…you have the right to leave because I have not been faithful to the Word of God…I have created messages for my selfish ends by piecing together scriptures that were in my favour...but should you choose to remain, know that it will now be under Pastor Taiwo…for I step down today…”

“I have been found wanting by my Lord and Saviour…It is not the sheep that protect the Shepherd, yet I have protected myself from you with bodyguards posing as protocol officers…it is not the sheep that feed the Shepherd, it is the Shepherd that feeds the sheep with his substance and that which he receives from God for them… yet I have taken from you all…from the poor…from the weak…even from the rich…the true shepherd would not do that…for if even one member of the flock hasn’t had a meal…what right has the shepherd to eat? Did not Christ go in search of ONE missing sheep without resting till he found it? Pray for me that I might find grace to repent sincerely before God and receive his forgiveness.”

Pastor Kehinde looked round the huge auditorium at the congregation that had been stunned into silence…he had no more words to say…he handed over the microphone to his twin brother and walked off the stage unaccompanied…a broken man…

Pastor Taiwo took the microphone and cleared his throat…he wanted to talk…to say something to encourage his brother…to encourage the church…but words failed him…he opened his mouth to sing, but words failed him…even in song…it was Lolade that came to stand by his side and lifted her voice in song…

He is Lord…He is Lord…Amen! He has risen from the dead, he is Lord! Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…

Pastor Taiwo dissolved into uncontrollable tears as he sank to his knees…he and a few others had witnessed things that perhaps only a handful of other believers the world over may have seen or experienced…

He called Mr Adeleye up to the platform to pray for the congregation…the Rising Star Church would not be dissolved after all…but things had changed irrevocably…all across the auditorium men, women and children fell on their faces weeping…they did not see what Mr Adeleye saw…a host of heavenly angels ranged themselves around the auditorium and joined in their worship…he saw Michael raise his sword in salute to him as he lifted himself into the atmosphere and swooped away…every knee had bowed…and will continue to bow…Mr Adeleye sank to his knees as well…God be praised forever!!! AMEN!!!


Kindly leave your comments if this story has blessed you! Praise God!!!

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