Christian Stories

Thursday, 26 January 2017


It is a fact that Paul the apostle wrote about three-quarters of what we call the New Testament. He wrote to the Roman, Corinthian, Galatian, Ephesian, Colossian and Thessalonian Churches.

For those familiar with the New Testament Scriptures, it is clear that Christianity is no theoretical or cerebral religion; neither is it one that is built on the vocalization of its faith but rather on a consistent practice of doctrines as first laid down by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and further expounded by his apostles.

To spend time in the Word, especially in the Epistles, one eventually gets to see and understand their overall focus; namely the benefit and privilege of enjoying of the Divine Life on earth…Divine Grace, Health, Purity, Guidance…none of which would be possible without a relinquishing of the enjoyment of things that do not pertain to the Divine Life.

You see, the believer always thinks he can have his cake and eat it as long as he is not committing sins that are frowned upon in the ‘Church’.

Yet the bible clearly teaches that there is to be a total Separation from Self, from Sin, from the ‘spirit of the world’ (1 Cor 2:12) if the believer is to experience total consecration to God and thereby fall under the influence and control of his perfect Will.

As Paul taught: 1Cor 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
The joining TO the Lord is absolute, it makes no provision for the joining to any other thing…it is this joining  TO the Lord that we seek to concretize in our daily walk WITH HIM, what he has already done in the Spirit FOR US.

We must therefore ensure two primary things:
Ø  That we are no longer JOINED to Self
Ø  That we are no longer JOINED to the world

So then, did Paul teach and instruct these things?

Did he write the same things to all the churches?

Did his teachings agree with the teachings of Christ and the other apostles?

What exactly was the main thrust of Paul’s messages to the Churches?

Do they represent the essential practices of Christianity?

How far has the Modern Day Church deviated from the teachings of Christ, Paul and the other apostles?

Can we actually articulate the doctrines of Christ concisely without being confused with the many different, many faceted, glittering messages that we are buffeted with from all sides in Christendom; or are we still tossed around by every wind of doctrine?

In this series we will walk through the pages of the bible to find answers…

Look out for this Series…THE TEACHINGS OF PAUL!

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