Christian Stories

Saturday, 19 August 2017


It is difficult to renew the mind...perhaps because it is the process by which the total person is transformed...and yes transformation in its negative sense is being conformed...

Neither transformation nor conformation come by READING the Bible or a novel respectively...

The READING lays the foundation...for it imparts not just knowledge but also desire to do...or desire to read more of the same kind of material...however you look at it, READING creates a hunger for more of the same, until the mind is completely fixated on the subject at hand.

Then begins the second stage...a reluctance to go back to the former things... Because you see...the mind has become captivated by the Word or the World...and has become averse to what it is no longer filled with.

Then comes the third stage... The mind begins to mold or pattern itself into the likeness of the spirit of whatever it has imbibed... it will begin to live the life of whatever spirit it has imbibed or drunk from.

For there is a spirit of the World - 1Cor 2:12...and there is a spirit of the Word -
2Cor 3:6.

The same principle applies to WATCHING and HEARING...

In order to create an aversion for the world's entrapments, fill your mind not with the literal, random  reading of the scriptures...but read (study, pore) with INTENT to create a reluctance to practice worldly things.

The key is INTENTION... I wish the same could be said for conformation to the World...but it is a natural process not requiring INTENTION.

it will conform the mind naturally even if the mind is not READING or DOING.

This is why the process of transforming the mind is a deliberate, continuous ACTIVE, forever ongoing renewal,  while the process of conforming the mind is an UNCONSCIOUS, PASSIVE, forever ongoing molding.

Sadly we don't have time enough to maintain an ACTIVE transformation of the mind... So we falter every now and then...or even fall altogether.

What we need to develop is sheer consistency...not the setting aside of voluminous amounts of time...

This will come through sheer desperation to REMAIN in the faith...

We have the option of the sanctifying fire of the Holy Spirit... or the scorching fire of the Antichrist.

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