Christian Stories

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Gods of the earth - Chapters 39-40

Chapter 39

Pastor Adewusi entered the hospital ward to find Wunmi propped up in bed, wrapped up in bandages and her leg suspended.

“She has a broken leg and has suffered concussion. She is still in a state of shock, so she can’t yet talk,” said Mary.

“I understand. They almost didn’t let me in, till I told them I was her pastor and had come to pray for her,” replied Pastor Adewusi as he sat on a vacant bed beside Wunmi.

Wunmi stared ahead of her; her eyes were opened wide as though she was relieving some horrible event.

“It has started. They are trying to demoralize us by their guerrilla tactics. They do not want an open confrontation so they strike and run away,” said Pastor Adewusi, turning to Mary.

“Yes sir, quite unlike the Great Battle six years ago, which was an open confrontation,” replied Mary.

“But what is worse is that they are not attacking us spiritually as before; they are attacking our physical bodies…they aim to kill off as many as they can physically. I have to get back home and begin to pray Mary…this is worse than I thought and so far we have not received any angelic help,” said Pastor Adewusi.

“About that pastor, the Spirit expressly told Wunmi not to expect any,” Mary said, also rising to her feet to escort Pastor Adewusi to the door.

“Oh,” said the pastor, a little disappointed.

“Well, the Spirit must have his reasons,” concluded Pastor Adewusi as he took his leave.

As he drove out of the hospital gates, he passed Muyiwa’s car just driving in and stopped to have a word with both of them.

“She will be fine,” assured Pastor Adewusi, rolling down the glass on the passenger side to talk to them.

“Sir, has she regained consciousness yet?” asked a very anxious Kola.

“Not yet, but she will…don’t be anxious or worried,” the pastor reassured Kola again as he drove off.

Wunmi was in a very lovely garden…some Man whose face she couldn’t see held her hand…the flowers seemed to smile when she passed them by…then she realized that they were bending towards her as though they wanted to touch her. Their petals widened as she passed them…that was how she knew they were smiling…even the way they suddenly started rustling after she passed them by…they were whispering among themselves about her.

“The fear of death is the last enemy that must be conquered,” said the Man beside her.

“Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;  

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage – Hebrews 2: 14-15” quoted Wunmi glibly…she had never memorized that scripture but it came to her now unbidden. 

She suddenly stopped…

“You came to deliver me from my fear of death didn’t you…you knew I was afraid of physical pain and death and so you let me pass through that experience.” Wunmi sank to her knees, holding on tightly to the hem of the garment of the Man beside her.

“My Lord and my God!” she exclaimed, beginning to weep profusely.

“My ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts your thoughts,” said the Man, lifting her to her feet…Wunmi still held on tightly to him, her eyes downcast.

“My Lord what will you have me do now?” asked Wunmi.

“Oh you’ve already started daughter…I needed you to overcome your fear of death physically…for the things that lie ahead of you and the others will require the life of one who no longer lives for Self…for it is Self - the Old Man, that is afraid to die…to lose permanently the enjoyment of its insatiable lusts is something it cannot even begin to consider…but when one such as you gives it up willingly, by giving up your body…then he who has the power of death no longer has power over you.”

“Does this mean I’m going to die Lord?” asked Wunmi, slowing down a little bit.

“I cannot tell you that, for then you would no longer be walking by faith but by sight,” answered the Man she had called Lord.

“But it is time for you to return…you must trust me as you always have, for trying times are still ahead of you…I have healed your body…because I need you now more than ever. Go with my blessing child…go, oh Enemy of Darkness!”

Wunmi suddenly sat up in bed, breathing heavily. She stared around her wildly for a moment then got her bearings. Kola was beside her in an instant.

She saw her leg dangling in a cast…suspended above her and weakly signalled to Kola to remove it.

“I can’t my dear, you broke your leg!” said Kola, moving closer to her as she struggled to sit up.

“Wunmi please relax and take it easy, you’ve been hurt pretty badly!” said Mary, coming to sit beside her cousin.

“I’m healed now,” said Wunmi.

“Amen and Amen,” said Muyiwa coming to stand by Kola as he tried to stop his wife from removing the bandage around her head.

“You had some bad knocks to your head Wunmi, please just lie back,” he said.

“Listen guys…while I was unconscious I saw Jesus…I was with him! He told me he had healed my body, so will you please help me out of these ridiculous things?” Wunmi indicated the cast and the bandages around her head.

“You were with the Lord?” asked Mary incredulously.

“What did he say?” asked Kola.

“Oh my God, you actually saw the Lord!” exclaimed Muyiwa, breathing faster.

The nurse came in at that moment and started sending them out.

“Please you have to go now, you’ve already disturbed her with the noise,” she said angrily.

“No it’s okay,” said Wunmi.

“I said please leave! I’m going to call the doctor,” the nurse stormed out angrily.

By the time she came back, Wunmi was already on her feet and packing her things with Mary’s help. Kola and Muyiwa stood by dumbfounded…the doctor placed both his hands on his head and let out a small shout…the nurse ran out yelling for people to ‘come and see something!’

“Jesus told me that trying times are still ahead of us…he said some personal things to me which I am not allowed to reveal…but the bottom line is that we all need to prepare…this battle might be worse than the Great Battle,” said Wunmi as Muyiwa drove off.

“The Ogbunikes are dead Wunmi…they were beaten to death,” Mary broke the news as gently as she could.

“Oh my God!” said Wunmi, burying her head in her hands and beginning to mourn…they were members of her home fellowship…strong members...the Lord hadn’t mentioned their death to her at all…they had died for their faith even though they had not been tortured…but they had been killed because they were Christians…genuine believers…they were martyrs…their crowns of righteousness was already guaranteed…now she had to work out her own salvation with fear and trembling and make sure she was found worthy to wear the crown…

Chapter 40

Pastor Adewusi realized his mistake too late! He should have known that those feathers he had found in the church building were not put there for fun…he had simply locked them up in his office, intending to show the Fifteen later…of course he knew they were charms, but he believed that no charms could affect him as a child of God…but these weren’t ordinary ‘spiritual’ charms obviously…they carried the germs of a deadly disease.

He had begun to feel quite uncomfortable in the middle of night after his visit to Wunmi in the hospital…he had started sweating profusely…then he had gone to the bathroom to ease himself…that was when he had inadvertently looked at himself in the mirror and saw the blotches begin appearing on his face…he had smallpox!

He had sneaked out of the house after calling a medical doctor friend of his, who immediately sent an ambulance to fetch him… Pastor Adewusi couldn’t afford to infect his wife as well…he was about to call when his phone began to ring…

“I’m so sorry darling; I couldn’t risk staying in the house a moment longer. I began feeling very uncomfortable in the middle of the night and when I checked myself in the mirror in the bathroom, I discovered all these blotches appearing all over my face and body…I have small pox and have been quarantined.”

“I’m getting more weary by the day darling…will we ever win this battle?” asked his wife, breaking down in tears.

“Even if we don’t win, we still have to do what is right…we will still gather to fellowship with ourselves and the Lord…it is the same thing Daniel, Meshach and Abednego would have done…we will not be intimidated in the face of oppression or even torture…that is the whole point of being believers, remember the scripture that says they that will live godly in  Christ shall suffer persecution…you cannot afford to grow weary now, several others are looking up to you at this time. You should call Mary and find out how Wunmi is… I love you…I will call later,” Pastor Adewusi cut the line.

There were certain things he had to do…the church premises had to be completely disinfected and his office sealed off. He made a few calls and then turned his attention towards the Word and a particular scripture that had fixed itself permanently in his mind for several days…

2 Cor 7: 5-6 For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears.
 Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus

“Are you sending someone Lord?” whispered Pastor Adewusi, not daring to breathe…for it had been long since he had heard expressly from the Spirit.

They want this battle to be fought in the physical realm, but remember that you wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in heavenly places. You have been tricked into making this a physical battle by allowing yourselves to be affected by what is happening physically to you…it was worn you down…you must therefore return to the battle, knowing that there is a hierarchy you must confront…conquer the principalities and you will conquer the wicked spirits in heavenly places.

Pastor Adewusi’s eyes had been enlightened…he saw it now! The Enemy had brought the battle into the physical realm…the area of their greatest strength…we cannot battle them in their area of strength, we have to climb above them…far above principalities and powers!
His phone rang…it was Wunmi!

“Pastor, I just want you to know that I have been healed…it is a long story but Christ took me into his Presence while I was unconscious…he said there are still trying times ahead of us.”

“Yes I believe so. I have been quarantined because of small pox. They came into the church and murdered the gateman on the altar, then distributed several black feathers all over the church under the chairs. I noticed one; then went around and collected over twenty of them. I kept them in my office to show you guys, thinking they were spiritual charms…I didn’t realize they were merely charms to inflict small pox. The Spirit spoke to me a few moments ago…we have been tricked into bringing the battle to their door step…to the area of their greatest strength…the flesh…now we have to take it back up above principalities and powers and every name that is named…we need to pray for the gift of Discerning of Spirits and find out which principalities are behind this…when we find out, we will know what we are up against and how to wage war in the spirit,” said Pastor Adewusi.

“Got you sir, we will inform the rest of the Fifteen at once,” said Wunmi.

“No. This is now between the six of us, you and your spouses; and my wife and I,” replied the pastor.

“Okay sir, I will inform the others,” said Wunmi.

Michael watched the sun rise gradually...the battle may soon begin…they however had to wait on the Spirit for his go ahead. He surveyed his Hosts still hidden under the Shadow of His Wings. They were alert…grim…and battle ready…Michael guessed what the Spirit was waiting for…a Son of God had to initiate the battle against Principalities before He, Michael, could step into it…it had to be Principality against Principality…but a Son of God had to engage them first in combat…like the scriptures had said…a wrestling match!

He marvelled at the strength that had been given to mortals…to wrestle against even Principalities…he did not doubt the outcome of a battle between himself and one of the true Sons of God…for hadn’t the Most High made Man a little lower than angels but crowned him with honour and glory just as his Lord the Christ also had gone through the same thing for the suffering of death on behalf of Man?

Thus when a true Son of God lost his fear of death, he also would be crowned with honour and glory just like their Lord and God…One of them must have been tested and had lost the fear of death…such a one was fit now to wrestle against Principalities, having been crowned with the honour and glory of the Lord…oh the unsearchable riches of the wisdom of Majesty! Michael exalted and praised the Most High with his mighty sword arm!

It was almost noon when the Spirit lifted his Wings and they became visible to their foes…with a mighty shout, the Enemy rallied themselves as they saw the Hosts of Heaven gathered round about them…

It was almost noon when Mary got the first breakthrough…they had been praying non-stop for almost five hours.

“It is Belial! Belial is their Commander!” Mary said in a loud voice that startled everyone.

“Yes, but there are others as well…” said Wunmi.

“I know who they are,” said Kola…

“Janut and Baal,” finished Muyiwa.

“Thank you Lord! We are ready…let the battle begin!” said Wunmi.

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