Christian Stories

Friday, 7 July 2017

LIFE! Taken for granted...

It usually takes a crisis to get you to the point where things you once took for granted now become the most sought after things in your life.

For instance a man who  rises from what could have been his death bed can never again view life the way he used to.

Crisis always precipitates in a rebirth of sorts...a change in mindset,  but most importantly a departure from the previous way of life.

There is an after life, else why are people so instinctively terrified of dying?

They are afraid that something beyond this life is out there...nay we all know it instinctively, for it was planted within by our Maker.

They are afraid because they are not sure of what will happen to them on the Other Side.

They are afraid because somehow they KNOW they have not lived THIS life in a way that would prepare them for the REAL Life.

Thus we discover that this life is indeed to prepare us for a better life... Or a worse one, should we fail to make the necessary changes.

We shouldn't wait for such a crisis to come...for we may never come out of it... If you are afraid of what will happen to you after this life, then in all likelihood you aren't ready for it...the Better and Greater Life...

Perhaps I write this article to get someone to that crisis point without having to experience the crisis itself.

Please take it as a warning from one whose life has just been spared.

Death is final... But to all of us... It is but a BREATH away....

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