Christian Stories

Thursday, 23 February 2017


What exactly does the storyline of Enemy of Darkness teach?

For one thing it teaches  through the life of Mary and eventually Wunmi, the principles of Consecration and how the power of the Spirit cannot be accessed otherwise.

For another thing it shows how the closer one gets to God, the greater the hatred that Darkness and all its agents - physical and spiritual...hence the words of Paul - And they that live godly SHALL suffer persecution...the godly cannot escape persecution.

But then it also reveals angelic assistance in the background which though it might not be given to us to see as it was given to Mary and Wunmi; is nevertheless real.

In ENEMY OF DARKNESS, an understanding of truths about worship is made clear.

It is the goal of the proposed movie to make things even clearer still...

ENEMY OF DARKNESS is not just a story, it is a Truth to be unfolded on the big screen. Perhaps you have read the story... the screen play may yet hold further surprises for you.

So now I have an award winning producer to work with - DARASEN RICHARDS... i have two awesome music producers/songwriters to work with and both based in the UK - NIRAN OBASA & TUNDE AJITERU...I also have none other than the Sharp Band - NIYI & KOLA OJEDAPO,  equally based in the UK.

What a Team! I can only thank God for such speedy favour!

I'm equally hoping to hear from you either in cash or kind, should you want to be a part of this reshaping of the things we can and should watch!

If so, do inbox me on facebook...or call me on...


It may look like MY OWN THING...but in reality it is simply another avenue to impart Truth to the BODY OF CHRIST on a huge scale and SPEEDILY...Truth is what we sorely need... yes?

Let's do this!

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